Welcome to the Verdi Group website. Our company was founded on a handful of key values that shape how we operate our business today. We want to run a successful business, but how we achieve that success is as important to us as the success itself.
- Intentional, Focused and Prepared: The Verdi Group works to be intentional, focused and prepared in all of our client interactions. We want to be able to provide our clients with the best available advice and recommend the best available solutions. We work to make sure we are prepared and focused, helping our clients to the best of our abilities.
- Seek First To Understand, Not Be Understood: The Verdi Group works to understand our clients unique situations and truly listen to your needs and concerns. We want to know what is important to you. And we want to help you any way that we can.
- Iron Sharpens Iron: Our group of 7 advisors and our support staff believe that we can better serve our clients and our community as a "band of brothers" that works together. We hold each other accountable and we support one another as we build our business by providing exceptional advice and service to our clients.
- Earn The Right to Speak Into People's Lives: The Verdi Group is comitted to serving in the communities where we do business. We have handed out over $20,000 in grant money in local area school districts through Voya Financial's Unsung Heros program and we commit to spending time each year teaching students about finance and investing. We want to serve our clients and our community and be a resource that gives more that we take.
We hope your visit to our website will help you understand the opportunities that are available when you take a proactive approach to your personal financial situation. The Verdi Group created this Web site to help you gain a better understanding of the financial concepts behind retirement planning, insurance, investing and wealth preservation.
Most importantly, we hope you see the value of working with skilled professionals to pursue your financial goals. We want to help you learn more about who we are, and what is important to us. We hope you take advantage of this resource and visit us often. Be sure to add our site to your list of "favorites" in your Internet browser. We frequently update our information, and we wouldn't want you to miss any developments in the area of personal finance.
A Critical Combo: Life Insurance with Long-Term Care Benefits
Although long-term care insurance is typically a “use-it-or-lose-it” proposition, these alternatives can help pay for care if it’s needed or provide a death benefit for beneficiaries if it’s not.
Do You Have Enough Life Insurance?
Life insurance needs change over time. This article presents five guidelines to help determine an appropriate amount of life insurance coverage.
HOT TOPIC: The Fed Finally Cut Interest Rates
The Fed’s first rate cut of one-half percentage point in four years marks a critical juncture for the economy, with significant implications for consumers, businesses, and investors.
Impact of Inflation
Estimate the future cost of an item based on today’s prices and the rate of inflation you expect.
Net Worth
A balance sheet summarizes your assets and liabilities and reveals your net worth.
Home Affordability
Estimate of the maximum amount of financing you can expect to get when you begin house hunting.
Taxable Equivalent Yield
Calculate the rate of return you would have to receive from a taxable investment to realize an equivalent tax-exempt yield.